Femnation Island

Welcome to Femnation Island. A nation with a Female led Society. Citizens are granted all rights, freedoms, and privileges, including the right to own slaves and use the Island's slaves for their pleasure. Only females can be citizens. Slaves can be of any gender.

Contact Mistress Vanessa {MK} (C) or Mistress Kelly {MV} (C) for further details.

1. Island Citizens are granted all the rights and freedoms of our society, including the right to own and command the Island's slaves. Only room members can be citizens. Citizens wear a (C) next to their name.

2. Island slaves are required to obey, serve and honor the Island Citizens at all times. Slaves are also expected to show hospitality to visitors, but they don't owe them obedience, only to citizens. Only room members can be slaves. Slaves wear an (s) next to their names.

3. This is a room open to visitors. Visitors are encouraged to act according to their customs, as long as they respect ours.

4. jason is the Islands creator and owner and shall wear an (O) next to his name. jason is an Island Mod, Administrator, Head of Security and an Island slave. All Citizens, slaves, members and visitors shall show jason respect as our home owner and creator. jason is an Island slave and follows Island slave protocol listed above.

5. Male doms may visit, as long as they are respectful and don't act openly dominant inside our territory. Male doms are to honor our Female Society and always lower the first letter of their name in respect. This is a proud female led society and believe in female control in every aspect of our lives.

6. Slaves will not be restricted in their actions or speech. However, they will use this freedom to make all Citizen's stay in the Island as pleasurable as possible at all times. This, is a slave's prime directive.

7. This is an area based highly on respect. All visitors are asked to please be in only one room at a time.

8. Anyone using an av is asked to keep the av at a max height of 400.

9. While we do encourage the use of avs to express yourself, we do ask that no male and female genitalia be showing in your av. Please do not argue with any room mods on this issue.

10. Please choose a real name, not just letters, and stick with it. Use of multiple identities can lead to being banned from the Island.

11. Males entering are expected to acknowledge all Citizens (C) or any other Dommes already in the room immediately upon entry. This is common courtesy and failure to be courteous will result in being booted.

Femnation Island Owner: jason {Head of Security}

Island Citizens: Mistress Vanessa, Mistress Kelly and Mistress Brat

Island slaves: jason {Head of Security}, andrew, van, karleigh, .ashai.

Enjoy your stay!

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