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Welcome to Indecent Exposure(s)

Welcome to Indecent Exposure(s)

RULES AND COMMENTS .... Upon entrance, E/everyone is to be greeted and acknowledged. NO PMs WITHOUT PERMISSION. No means just that, No, no exceptions. Serves are allowed and welcomed in this home. Do not sit and make fun of how another does a serve.
The world would be a boring place if we are all the same! Public scening is allowed in this home. If this offends A/anyone, then W/we suggest Y/you find another room suitable to Y/your likes and needs.
When a scene is taking place, A/all that enter must take T/their greetings and conversations to private chat and not interrupt the scene until it is over. Please select a name. Anons, dots, etc will be asked to take a name.
Formal collaring ceremonies between a Dominant and submissive and a Dom and Domme are welcomed and encouraged. No O/one under the age of 18 allowed. No child play, no scat games, no bestiality or pictures of this nature are to be posted.
Y/you will be asked one time in public to leave and refusal to leave will result in removal from the room. If you are new to the lifestyle, questions are welcomed and will be answered. Suggestions and ideas are welcome so please IM them to Us. Please leave any and all drama at the door. W/we are here to enjoy O/ourselves and have a good time. All Chatro rules apply. Images may be posted as desired While the room is indeed a place for chatting with friends and banter, it is necessary that efforts be made to focus on the facts that this is a place where people will be coming to partake of a BDSM experience.
For many, this may be their only avenue to an experience within BDSM. Promotion of a Safe, Sane, and Consensual environment is important to U/us and those who dwell here.

DAX and cyncere welcome you
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