Masters & whores - serious D/s

Masters & whores is intended as a haven for serious and strict D/s, where Dominants rule and whores obey. So please read the rules and expectations below carefully. Once Y/you have, welcome inside!

- General rules -

G1. Scening is encouraged. All scening takes place in public.

G2. Private messaging is to be kept to an absolute minimum and only used as a very rare exception.

G3. Not a room for boys, submissive males, S/switches, sissies, transgenders or gender play. This is not a political statement, only a requirement in line with the theme of this particular room.

- Expectations on Dominants -

D1. This is not the place for boys pretending to be Dominant Men. If you can't put more than three words together, can't think of anything other than huffin' and puffin' about having your supposedly gigantenormous cock sucked, or are intimidated by high-quality whores, take your games elsewhere.

D2. In spite of the room's name, both Masters and Mistresses are warmly welcome. As a Mistress, please indicate clearly in either Your av or name, e.g. by using the title "Mistress" or "Lady", that You are a Dominant. Simply capping Your name will not suffice.

D3. As a Dominant, the main responsibility for maintaining a true D/s ambiance of the room lies with You. Dominants lead, whores follow. So please contribute to creating an immersive experience by upholding a strict protocol, and by being descriptive and expressive in Your posts.

D4. You are welcome to use the whores, sexually or otherwise, as long as You keep it public and inside the room. Please be aware that collared whores may be restricted by their Owners.

D5. Feel free to comment on any scene taking place, if You feel like doing so.

- Rules for whores -

w1. Only capping your name does not mean you will not be seen as a whore. See D2 above.

w2. Be descriptive and expressive. Words are O/our only means of communication here, so spend some time on creating an immersive experience and refrain from bland two- or three-worded posts. Quality is vastly more important than speed.

w3. When entering, you will kneel in a descriptive manner at the door and await permission to enter.

w4. whores will consistently address Gentlemen as "Sir" and Ladies as "Miss" or "m'Lady", unless instructed otherwise, and express their gratitude for being allowed to serve.

w5. whores will know their place and act respectfully at all times. Expressing your personality, individuality and intelligence is most welcome, but should not be confused with bratty or obnoxious behavior.

w6. As a general rule, whores move on all fours. The only exceptions to this are when you are serving food or drinks, performing chores or have been instructed by a Dominant to move differently.

w7. Do not leave the room without first asking permission to do so.

Room Owner: Master LD
Resident Master: MasterEric
Owned whores: emily {MLD}, annie {MLD}, naomi {MLD}

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