Monthly get togethers
A) Greetings.. E/everyone is expected to greet A/all when entering and should expect E/everyone in The New Retreat to greet in return
(except if a scene is in progress public or private).
B) Respect.. E/everyone WITHOUT exception is to show respect to A/all who visit here.If your unsure then ask a Moderator
C) Adherence to SSC
The New Retreat adheres strictly to the rules and regulations of Chatropolis.
In particular there are to be no posting of pictures despicting forms of beastiality and child pornography.
Any posting of pictures has to be by prior arrangement to Sir Rob.
It is desirable that avatars are no higher than 400 pixels however this will not be enforced.
The Moderators are Sir Rob (from Oz),la'sarina {Sir Rob} and kris,who have the last say on what is acceptable in this room.
Any admin inquiries or suggestions may be direct to Sir Rob (from Oz), kris or la'sarina.
The New Retreat is a drama free room. Leave your excess baggage at the door.Above all though, have fun.
Click here to e-mail Uus to join.
Include user name and required password.
Oour Forum.
Come and join for lots of fun. Board auctions, Arcade games.
Here is where you find winning avatars
There is/are 1 Retreat Seekers in this room
Please use a name as W/we would like to get to know you.
If you find you are not able to enter that may be due to the room being in Lockdown mode.
If you are a member and it is a problem then let Sir Rob know, thanks
The New Retreat Is Of The Underground Chatropolis Chat Network Any duplication without prior written consent is strictly prohibited!
Coming events