The Sweetest Place in the Underground!

Home of the Drop Down, and not your average everyday drop down!!

We dedicate the "Sweet" to everyone who calls it home.
Without all of you, our room wouldn't be the place it is, filled with love, fun, and wonder!

Fun nights are in our future! Please check back often to see the details of upcoming events!

Please Read & Respect Our Room Rules:

  • Common courtesy and simple manners are Rule #1. If in doubt, ask permission FIRST.
  • All gender identities/expressions and sexual orientations are welcome in the Sweet.
  • While here, please show RESPECT for O/others regardless of whether Y/you agree with their lifestyle (Straight, gay, Ds, vanilla, or other). Open scening is allowed but NEVER required. If you don't like something someone is doing, please consider SQUELCH as your first resort.
  • No Minors (anyone under the age of 18 for any reason) - There is no exception granted to this rule. Chatting with minors, desiring to chat or make a connection with minors, or hiding the fact a minor is in the room makes a chatter culpable and serves as grounds for removal and reporting to local authorities, which can be looked up.
  • Please choose a PROPER chat name. Derogatory and degrading names, as well as names best suited for Tinder, will not be tolerated.
  • Flagrant multiple name changers and proxy IP users - You are NOT welcome in the Sweet. Your IP address(es) will be logged and you will be BANNED - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you must change your chat name permanently, we only ask you let us know! Changing a chat name for deceptive reasons will result in immediate removal and banning.
  • Also RESPECT O/others by asking before Y/you PM A/anyone.
  • Please keep Y/your AV choices tasteful and under 450 pixels in height. Generally speaking, no penetration on avs unless approved. Mods always have final say on if an av is appropriate.
  • MODS HAVE AUTHORITY IN THE ROOM. There will be judgment calls when needed. We're all doing our best. And, as all of us are volunteers, please be patient and remember to work WITH us to make the room welcoming and as safe as can be. Also, Mods are not reading and cannot read other people's PMs. Except Clary, she can read pms, we don't know how she does it, be careful, that chick's shady!
  • Y/you are welcome to play music or post images while in the "Sweet." When playing music, please wait Y/your turn and do not post one song right after the other.
  • General Chatropolis rules regarding images (bestiality, underage/child, etc.) also apply. Talk of underage/child in sexual connotations is also expressly prohibited and violators will be BANNED - NO EXCEPTIONS.

Remember, this is an escape where RESPECT is the order of the day...enjoy!
Room Owners: Clary & Shelley
Our Mods: Amanda Beth, candice & Cosette

Looking for more good people to chat with? Be sure to visit - *!* The de Vere Hangout *!*

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Want a Membership? Email The Admins!

*!* The Hospitality Sweet *!*

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